We've had several days of rain and sprinkles this past week. We're told it's very unusual to see so much rain at one time and for so many days in a row. Last Friday night/Saturday morning Port St Lucie got 7” of rain which caused several road closings and also flooded the parking lots and back yards everywhere. (Yeah, we're really missing the northern weather patterns.... If that was frozen precipitation we would have had 6 ft of snow! ) We did have to bail out the dinghy which was very close to being total submerged. We had left it over night while staying with the kids. It only took about 10 minutes and we were off a running.
The winds are generally out of the east, north east, and range from 10 to 30 each day. Every once in a while we will see a calm flat day and then the strong severe winds again. We're having to try to learn these new patterns so we're better prepared to say what is a good day to travel and what is not. The “weather windows” are so very important to this new life. It's a very popular subject up at the marina building and patios. We've met so many other couples living aboard and enjoy trading stories and experiences with them. Some have already moved on to prepare for a “crossing”! The journey from Florida to the Bahamas isn't very far, but again that weather window combined with the northerly gulf stream make it a very calculated event.
We're so very happy and warm here in Stuart and we know it's going to be a difficult day when we detach from the mooring next month. We have two weeks of family fun ahead and then we'll be moving on.
Jim and I hope that you and your families are also doing well this holiday season and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!