Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's not easy to reach closure

Imagine sorting everything you have, right now, no re-consideration, no turning back, and no room to take it with you, wherever you might be headed.  Do I really need to keep this book of matches I picked up at a wedding? How about the long gone unrecognizable prom corsage? What was that kids name again?  Oh, and let's not forget all the 110, 35 ml, and computer generated color photos, and the double set, that never made it into a photo album.  "some day I'm gonna sort all these and make cool scrapbooks for my kids"  lol  Am I the only person on the planet that saved EVERY bill and EVERY bank statement since reaching adulthood? Seriously, I had pay stubs from my first job in 1979.

It's D-day.  We have less than a week to do that sorting and containerize that which we cannot bare to part with.  We completed Logan's relocation yesterday. He's now an official resident of Wana drive (a.k.a. HUDY HOLLOW).  This week we will complete our downsizing, pack our bags, and move to our temporary quarters at The Golden Triangle Motel!  We're looking forward to that. It will remove one huge item from the list of things that keep us awake all night.

Today was the Opening Day Ceremony at our yacht club. The local paper has also marked this day as the official start of the Erie's 100 days of summer. Bottom line, we have 100 days to really be out of here.  Let's hope we find more sailing updates to talk about, and soon!  Launch will be on or before June 24, 2011.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The final count down is here!

Well, we are just 13 days away from the closing on our house and as many to Logan's Graduation Day! 

Our tentative departure date from Erie is June 24 but we're already prepared for the need to extend that a week or two.  While we have made lots of progress on the updates to the boat we still have a ways to go.  The delay will definitely be worth having things right before we do leave though.