Monday, October 3, 2011

9/26 – 10/2 Chesapeake Bay visits

We had a nice week in the Bay, stopping in a few rivers, creeks, coves to anchor, and tracking only about 100 miles. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge was another beautiful view, although we do not recommend staying anywhere near it overnight. The traffic noise below in Kent Narrows was hard to ignore. We did learned how to smash and eat a Maryland Blue Crab at Harris Crab House, so it wasn't a total loss to have stopped there. The marina there was actually a “dock-ominium” and each slip is owned individually. They keep a few open for transients but otherwise they are were all full. These were not floating docks, rather very rough cut telephone poles and limited room within the basin to maneuver. Imagine what you might pay to have a slip just over the bridge from Annapolis..... try 115K or more!

We dropped a hook in Reed Creek up in the Chester River, and again in Ogleton Lake on the western shore just a few miles from Annapolis. There are blue crab fisherman in most every little nook and cranny of the Bay. We've learned about and watched what are called “trot lines”. This is a very unique fishing method, one we've certainly never heard of before.

We found ourselves in Little Choptank River on Thursday afternoon. Sister Barbara and her husband Ray own a home on the eastern shore and our boat tied up nicely to their dock! We spent all day Friday just running errands and restocking the boat while waiting for Barb and brother Joe to arrive. It promised to be a wonderful weekend and good times with family......

Saturday morning brought October. Saturday also brought cold air, strong winds and an unusually low tide. Our plan to take them out for a sail ended when we could see the bottom paint from shore and knew that the boat was sitting on the muddy bottom. LOL Their normal 5' minimum depth fell to about 3'4”. There was no danger to the boat, but it wasn't going anywhere for a few hours. Anyway, we enjoyed the time we stayed with them and planned our exit from the dock on Monday morning accordingly. :)

We're at the Liberty Marina in the South River tonight and have plans for dinner with Linda's local cousins tonight. If the weather doesn't improve tomorrow we may be reconsidering another week in the Bay and resume our southern route! We're seeing the first reported snow falls in WV on the Weather Channel. Oh Boy, it's time to go!

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